The beginning and the end of Jim Palmer

Jim Palmer as a rookie in 1965

Today marks the anniversary of the one of the best days and also one of the worst days in the professional career of Baltimore Orioles Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Palmer.

Working in relief of starter Dave McNally, Palmer – then all of 19 years old – picks up his first career victory 59 years ago today in the Orioles’ 7-5 victory over the New York Yankees before a Sunday afternoon crowd of 25,740 at Baltimore’s Memorial Stadium.

During his three-plus innings of two-hit relief, Palmer comes to the plate one time and hits a two-run homer – his first homer in the majors – off Yankees starter Jim Bouton in the fourth inning to tie the score at 4.

The homer is the first of three Palmer hits during his 19-year career, which coincidentally comes to an end 40 years ago today when he learns the Orioles are releasing him.

The 38-year-old Palmer, who eventually tries a short-lived comeback during spring training in 1991, finishes his career with 268 victories and a first-ballot Hall of Fame election in 1990.

Orioles leadoff hitter Paul Blair greets Jim Palmer (22) at the plate after Palmer’s first career homer 59 years ago today


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